
One of the hardest things in fashion is staying with the trends.
I'm here to give you a couple of tips:

  1. Observe. If you see a room with a lot of people wearing similar things (i.e tank tops, same patterns, et cetera) that is likely to be trending.
  2. Follow YOUR fashion sense. Say everyone's wearing stripes- that's trending. You don't want to follow that trend, so you make a different, but similar statement. For the stripes, you could try zig zags, et cetera. You should be YOU in whatever you're wearing.
Finally, I'll tell you what was trending for Fall/Winter 2017 according to Paris Vogue magazine. Hope you enjoy. This might not be trending in the USA, but maybe it is!

  • "sterling silver". I'm assuming that is just silver.
  • "Folk"- mixing together what seem like might clash at first ( I DON'T HAVE TO MATCH, MOM 😊).
  • "Ostrich feathers"- OK that seems a little extravagant.
  • "Double denim"- denim shirt and pants/skirt/shorts. Easy enough.
  • "Plastic chic". What? This is leaving me extremely confused.
  • "Cosy knits"- Not sure what that is. I'm clueless when it comes to fashion, but I run a fashion blog. DO NOT JUDGE!!
Okay, let's see what's trending the USA (sorry Paris :0). This is from a post from

  • "Glen plaid" (I think gray plaid)- It's gray with square dividers, like a checkerboard with all squares the same color/shade.
  • "The color red"- Easy enough. Just red (which is my favorite color BTW).
  • "The drawstring bag"- Carrying a drawstring bag with you.
  • "Wide leg corduroy pants"- wide legged pants made out of corduroy material/ corduroy textile.
  • "Evening tights"- Another one I'm clueless about.
  • "slouchy boots"- Boots with wrinkles in them. Considered "must have".
  • "short puffer jacket"- A jacket that puffs. Sort of confused still.
  • "oversized turtleneck"- a turtleneck that's too big for you.
  • "Beret"- you know that French hat.
  • "Vintage Inspired (Faux) Fur"- a coat made out of fake fur. Totally in.


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