
Showing posts from 2017

Fashionable Christmas Present

This Christmas I got this: This is a post from Sarbear's blog: "An 18" American Girl Doll! And not just any one doll- the doll that got me interested in American Girl! OK, back up.  My FORMER best friend S (no, we never fought EVER. She just moved away)  had like 7 American Girl Dolls, and one time she lent me this movie "Felicity: An American Girl Adventure" about on of the retired dolls, Felicity Merriman from the colonial time period (1774). Anyways, she was retired until AG created BeForever. Then, only a little bit ago, they brought back Felicity with a whole new look! This was the old Felicity: Then the above picture shows the new one. The new one also comes with a variety of accesories. Here are the accessories:                                           This is a "fischu", to tie around her neck to protect her from the sun (she's from colonial tim...


OK, I have  a question for you: HOW DO I GET MY MOM TO GET OUT HER SEWING MACHINE AND LET ME USE IT? I know, I can sew on my Grandma's sewing machine, but I can't use it by myself, on my own time. It's SEWING LESSONS- they're scheduled at a certain time. Comment with ideas of how to get my parents to let me use the sewing machine that's been sitting in my garage for A LONG TIME. Now, fashion update: Remember my post about coats and a more fashionable way to keep warm? My problem with my advice is I HATE ITCHY TAGS/CLOTHES! That includes most sweaters and scarves. Yes, I know the saying "Sacrifice comfort for fashion", but I'm just not at that level of fashion-loving.  So, I'm going to do some research on warm clothes and materials to make a WARM, FASHION-FORWARD, NON-ITCHY winter coat/outfit! Wish me luck! OK, how about a coat with fleece on the outside- to keep it cute AND warm with wool on the inside, which should keep it warm but not puf...

I NEED Your Support

Please follow my blog! How do you do that? At the top of the blog, click the follow button. Thanks so much! Bye Sarbear 12/31/17 Dad has followed my blog! I think I might have figured out how to post the designs again, so I will post a design inspired by him if I can. Yes! I know how to post the design  again. Here's the design I was talking about: I  know the design is tiny. My dad is a B-ball coach so I want to wear this to his games so I can support the team and HIM.


A blog is run on good reputation, right? So, I'm starting reviews for SewCute. Comment if you have a view on this blog. These reviews are from e-mails. Aunt M: "I think your blog is fantastic!" Chloe Alnetta: "Love it! Keep up the great work!",  "I will be returning her regularly to read!". I would love to hear your opinion on SewCute


One of the hardest things in fashion is staying with the trends. I'm here to give you a couple of tips: Observe. If you see a room with a lot of people wearing similar things (i.e tank tops, same patterns, et cetera) that is likely to be trending. Follow YOUR fashion sense. Say everyone's wearing stripes- that's trending. You don't want to follow that trend, so you make a different, but similar statement. For the stripes, you could try zig zags, et cetera. You should be YOU in whatever you're wearing. Finally, I'll tell you what was trending for Fall/Winter 2017 according to Paris Vogue magazine. Hope you enjoy. This might not be trending in the USA, but maybe it is! "sterling silver". I'm assuming that is just silver. "Folk"- mixing together what seem like might clash at first ( I DON'T HAVE TO MATCH, MOM 😊). "Ostrich feathers"- OK that seems a little extravagant. "Double denim"- denim shirt and pan...

Come On SewCute!

Read this snippet from a post on Sarbear's blog "12/22/17- I am 2/3 of the way to completing "Get my blogs worldwide". By that I mean another country other than the USA. Sarbear's blog is like that, and so is Sienna the One and Only. SewCute is only read in the America's though". Hurry!!!!!!! I want to get one item off of my bucket list :). Sarbear Christmas Eve- SO SORRY. PORTUGAL AND GERMANY HAVE VIEWED MY BLOG ACCORDING TO BLOGGER STATS.!

The Nutcracker

Anyways, I went to the Nutcracker at Ballet West yesterday with Mom, Aunt M , and E. When we were walking up to our seats, I saw this: Isn't that such a cool costume? Anyhow, that's all for now. SARBEAR

Sorry For The Readers Who (SHOULD) Get The Design Of Their Choice- Chloe Alnetta and Aunt M

I'm sorry, SewCute readers. So, you know how the reward is getting a design they want posted? That can't work now, sadly. See  my post Sew Over? for reference . So, sorry. Please comment below with ideas for a reward and I will take them into consideration. Sorry, again. Sarbear

Follow Up on Collaboration Project

Hey all! Remember how I'm working   on a project with Chloe Alnetta? Well, I've decided to say this: If anyone has read Little Dolls on the Prairie (her blog), comment on this post and you will be mentioned on my blog. Thanks so much! Sarbear

Winter Fashions

Hey all! I'm back. How are you doing this fine winter day? I've decided to talk about how to keep warm and stay fashionable at the same time. Why might this be hard, you ask? Well, look at this picture of a winter coat: I mean, it keeps you warm. Great. It serves its purpose. But it's big, fat, and lumpy. How may you make that more stylish? You can't make the coat tinier and skinnier, but you can wear subsitutes- not that winter coats are bad. I am in no way telling you winter coats are bad. Just for the hardcore fashionistas who need to look fashionable nearly 24/7.* I've got some tips for you: Scarves! This is simple. A scarf can keep things warm with just a medium warmth jacket- like a fall/spring. Sweaters! That might be a little colder, so I reccomend a team-up with tip 1&2- sweater and scarves. Wishing you a warm winter- Sarbear :)

Collaboration Project

I'm hopefully going to be working on a project with Blogger Chloe Alnetta . She contacted me asking if she could sew one of my designs for me. Chloe, if you're reading this thank you so so so much!I'm so excited, because I've looked at Chloe's blog and she is an amazing seamstress! Just look at this outfit: I know that my design will be in good hands with her. Make sure to read her blog if you haven't already.


Someone commented on "New Readers Here", so I'm starting the shoutout page. Thanks to......... Chloe Alnetta Aunt M

Google Plus +1 Gadget

This is not about fashion- it's the blog. If you love SewCute, go to your favorite post,  and hit the +1 button at the bottom  and send a Google Plus post about SewCute with an attached link. Thanks! Comment if you do this and you'll get a shoutout. Copy and paste this small, short ad on your post  if you use the gadget. Sew Cute Fashion Blog By Young Fashionista. Virtual Clothes Included With Description. Perfect for fashionistas. Now Having A Special For Blog Viewers- Read The Post "New Readers Here" and comment for your reward! My favorite thing about SewCute is At the bottom you get to say what your favorite thing about SewCute is and anything else you want to add.

Happy Thanksgiving

Sorry. I can't upload the design that I was going to do. Anyway, happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sarbear

New Readers Here!

 I want this blog to be more populated. If you visit or get someone to look at this blog, comment on this post and  you will get a shout out and a design that you want posted on this blog. Good reward, right? Thought so!

Halloween Costume Conundrum

FASHION DISASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This happened to me Friday October 27th, 2017. I was at a Halloween party. There was a pumpkin contest so before the party I painted a pumpkin with acrylic paint. I painted it at 5:30-ish, so it should be dry by 7:45- 8:00, right? WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I picked it up in my Halloween Costume (Rey from Star Wars: The Force Awakens) and didn't notice the purple paint going onto my costume!!! I rushed to the bathroom and tried to scrub it out, but to no avail.. Acrylic paint DOES NOT come out of clothes. Luckily, my mom ordered a new one for $13.00 that will come here tomorrow. Adios! This is my costume:


Hey all! I finished sewing a skirt on Friday 10/20 so now I'm posting a photo. If you want to see it on a model, I'm afraid that will have to wait, but I guarantee by Tuesday night one will be posted and uploaded to this post. Here is a photo of it inside out so you can see the seams and whatnot. Comment if you like it or see any flaws (not flaws like"the color is bad", but flaws in the sewing and whatnot. See ya, Sew Cute Readers! Photo On Model (TBA- To Be Announced/Uploaded) Oh my gosh! Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry. I never uploaded a model photo. By Christmas it will be uploaded- I'm crazy busy, OK?

Ask Sarbear About Fashion

 I am opening up an advice column: for fashion blunders. You can comment with your fashion problems and I will try to answer correctly on what color goes with what, and whatnot. Thanks! For example: Reader: I'm not a girly girl, but I'm into fashion. What do I do? Sarbear: Not Girly Girl, I'm assuming basic is your way to go. Your way to be fashionable is maybe to figure out a pattern or a color that goes well with your hair and skin type. Have fun. You don't have to be pink and frills to be fashionable, you know! I Like My Pants:  I have what my mom calls a plumbers crack. My pants fall down. Help From I Like My Pants Sarbear: My advice is A) Wear long shirts B) Pull up your pants C) Make sure your pants fit. P.S. I Like My Pants/Me/Sarbear are the same person! Yep- I asked myself for fashion advice. What's wrong with that? Sarbear/ I Like My Pants (Yep- I'm "I Like My Pants". It's a real problem. Don't judge

Sewing Machine Frenzy 2.0

I finished the bag. I'm now almost done with an adorable skirt, also. The above outfit  I think would be cute. It consists of: a white tank and a denim jacket. I think if someone paired this with a pair of jeans it could be KILLER!

Sewing Machine Frenzy

Hey all! I'm back from my 2nd sewing lesson with my grandma. I'm almost done with bag with striped fabric. The fabric looks like this Cute, right? I'll upload a photo of the finished product when I'm done. Catch you later! Sarbear:)

SewCute Welcoming New Readers

Please help SewCute be more visible to the world. If you know a person who might be interested, tell this person this: "If you want to read a fashion design blog, try It's by the author of Let me know if you try it,". It would be great if more people would look at this blog. 

Solution That Saved Sew Cute

Okay- I'm doing the same thing I did with my post Magnetic Doll Mix And Match.  This is a simple outfit-  a white tank top  and a pink mini-skirt.

Sew Over?

Unfortunately, I cannot now upload the designs. So, faithful SewCute readers, SewCute is temporarily (hopefully, about the temporarily) not getting any more posts. As this is maybe my last post, I have 2 pieces of news to share with you. I'm FINALLY  sewing FOR REAL! Me and my mom are doing a cross-stitch sampler-not quite ready to be making my clothes yet😢😜, and thanks to my primary teacher I now know how to sew a button.  Apparently my mom has a sewing machine in the garage. But as of. 1:38  PM, 8/3/17 (when I am writing this), I don't know if  I'll ever be able to look at it, much less use it.  Wish me luck with the sewing machine and being able to continue Sew Cute! So (or sew), it's bye for now! I've had fun posting for you! Sarbear Again, wish me luck with the sewing machine and being able to continue Sew Cute. Ah-ha! Have you read my post, Magnetic Doll Mix and Match? Well, I can keep doing that! Score!